The Final Judgment of Lord Sauron:
Sam saw the sweat on Frodo’s brow. The look on his face was of total anguish, his eyes, dark as Mordor itself were staring up intently at the raging volcano that is Mt Doom.
With 20,000 Orks behind them, little did they know that a very cunning diversion by Lord Aragon was in place to give them the time they needed, the time to finish it all.
‘’I don’t know if I can do it Sam.’’ Came Frodo’s voice only just audible from the fiery rage above.
Frodo was now swaying on his feet, his eyes heavy, he looked as if he would finally give in to the dreadful power of the ring as it’s destiny of destruction approached.
‘’We have to keep moving Mr Frodo!, quickly! We are nearly there!’’
‘’Have you got the pints Sam? I am rather parched, yes.’’ Frodo was delirious all colour was drained from his sunken face.
‘’Mr Fodo!’’
Frodo hit the ground hard, laying motionless on the steep mountain side. Sam, now shaking in sheer terror tried desperately to rouse him.
Iron fists bet furiously on their shields. Spears twice the size of mortal man were being pumped into the air. A fear shuddering chant rose through the chaos, the Orks of Mordor were approaching the gates.
Lord Aragorn could feel the ground tremor from the outside of Mordors fortress. With him stood 5,000 of the bravest soldiers that had survived the battle of time, the battle fought outside the wondrous towers of Gondor.
The White tree of the great courtyard shone extravagantly across his chest. It’s unblemished majesty brought alliance and strength to the king by all who now stood with him.
Aragorn, strider from the North, King of Gondor and men took in one last steady breath as the gates of the black land opened before him.
‘’Sam, I,I-I can’t Sam’’ Frodo’s breath was shallow his speech weak.
‘’You may not let me carry that ring around your neck Mr Frodo, but I can sure as my old Gaffer carry you!’’
And with the strength that would not be so easily thought of a Hobbit, Sam scoped up Frodo and raised him over his shoulder. He placed forward his feet, one after the other as the two of them climbed ever so closer to the archway that was the entrance to the inside of Mt Doom only a short way above.
But something was not right, Sam felt what he first thought to be a pin prick in the square of his back, but the pain immediately exploded into something far worse. He felt the blood coursing its way down his body.
‘’A knife in his back he now has precciousss!!’’
Gollum kicked Sam hard in the crook of the back of his leg where he immediately fell to the ground in agony, Frodo rolled off him.
Opening his eyes Frodo saw Sam lying face down on the hardened molten surface, a small dagger was plunged into his back. Sam was writhing.
‘’That’s what they get for stealing our precious my love! Filthy sneaking Hobbitses!!!!’’
Frodo’s hands tightened quickly round Gollum’s neck, the two of them struggled against each other.
‘’You will not take this ring from me Gollum!’’ If there was not so much noise already in Mordor, all the Orks would have heard his cry.
‘’It is ours, ours our precious!’’
The two of them were now rolling on the ground. Frodo was throwing punches with a new found strength while Gollum was trying to bite and scratch every inch of him.
Gollum could feel the ring calling, it was like a second frantic heartbeat lying beneath Frodo’s shirt trying to get to the wretched creature. His hands were fumbling for it, he had Frodo pinned now to the ground with one hand round his throat and another searching desperately for the ring. Frodo’s eyes were turning upwards, his face searing red.
A bow unheard by anyone let loose an arrow, it hit Gollum with such a force he was pushed back off Frodo onto his back. A cloaked figure kneeled over him, a blindingly silver blade pressed to Gollum’ s throat.
The thunderous chants bet fear into ever man now standing outside the gates of Mordor. 20,000 Orks had circled Lord Aragon and his men. They held their shields ready, their swords drawn, ready to die for a course that was unknown if it was to succeed, the course of Frodo and the destruction of the ring.
Aragorn turned to his friends Legolas and Gimili who stood either side of him.
‘’It seems our paths are finally ending here my friends, outside the very gates of Mordor’’.
‘’No laddy, it ends here with the hope for Frodo and Sam, outside the gates of the last shadow that will be destroyed.’’ Replied Gimili.
‘’And we will show Frodo the true strength of our fellowship in our darkest hour’’ added the fair Elf from Lorien.
Aragorn smiled, if this was to be their end, it would be an end that would divert the great eye from Frodo and the ring. It’s destruction was now sealed.
‘’For our friends Frodo and Sam!’’ The king screamed’’
‘’Frodo and Sam’’ replied 5000 men as they charged at the last Orks of Mordor.
Frodo opened his eyes. A dark figure above him was only just distinguishable, his head was swimming from the lack of oxygen it had just suffered.
‘’We must move quickly Frodo, son of Drogo’’ The ring must be destroyed.
Frodo knew that voice, it was ever so powerful and commanding. Frodo forced his eyes open to their fullest extent.
Gandalf smiled weakly down at him.
‘’I come to you now Frodo Baggins in your time of need, you are nearly there, only steps away from the fires of Mt Doom and the destruction of the ring.''
‘’Sam, Gandalf!’’ Frodo frantically looked around and spotted Sam where he no longer had the dagger in his back.
‘’He is fine, I have removed the dagger and placed him under a deep sleeping spell, nothing will harm him while we destroy the ring, come now Frodo!’’
Frodo felt an invisible force issued from Gandalf’s staff that immediately lifted him to his feet. The two of them climbed the last remaining hundred meters to the archway that entered into the very heart of Mt Doom.
Through the sweltering heat waves Frodo saw the bridge that led out into the middle of the volcano. He and Gandalf staggered along it trying to protect themselves from the molten pit that lay below. The weight suppressing upon Frodo’s chest was crushing, he could not breath, he could not speak. The ring was putting up a final fight for its existence.
‘’Throw it in Frodo!, quickly before Sauron discovers us!’’
His mind was blank, he could not feel the heat anymore. Just a piercing eye now shone in his mind. He could hear its chilling voice.
‘’Let me exist, and I will reward you beyond all that you
could imagine. Let me be worn on your hand and together we will rule this middle earth.’’
The image changed. Sweeping fields of the Shire now flashed through Frodo’s brain. Sam humming away under the bluegums in Hobitton, Bilbo sucking in the delights of the Fairclough leaf as he watched the young Hobitts play in the fields. He saw other places too, the great white towers of Gondor shone brightly in the golden days of man.
He felt alive. He opened his eyes and brought forth the ring holding it over the ledge before the raging torrent of molten fire and lava below.
As he dropped the ring he heard a piercing scream that echoed in his mind with pure fear and anguish.
And then it stopped, it was over.
Aragorn felt it before he heard it. A tremendous shake threw man and Ork off their feet. The great tower of the dark lord Sauron shattered at its mid point coming down upon the harsh lands of Mordor. Orks began to flee, their master and lord defeated.
Aragorn raised himself to his feet and watched as all enemies now fled from his very presence. He smiled as the sun broke free from the black clouds above.
‘’To Frodo, the greatest Hobbit that ever lived.’’ He said.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
My Fanfic, a re-creation to the end of the Lord of the Rings!
Posted by Louie at 2:11 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
My final version for fanfic
After posting the following comment, I had correctd my draft, and now, this is my final version (06/11/2008).
I'll chake my mistakes from now on. But this is my draft.
About the outline of original text
"Inherit the Earth" (1992) is contained in "Traces" that is a collection written by British sci-fi author Stephen Baxter. The following is the outline that is to beginning my fanfic.
Luke is a creature called Walker that has 14 spines and 7 tentacles and lives in the sea. His Clan believes Catholicism - the Jesuits.
It is said that five billion yeas ago, the Pope had sailed through the sky beyond the Surface. Then the Pope had fallen out the sky, built his Island, and – by helping the forefathers of the various species to develop awareness and understanding – had restored Catholicism to a heathen world in the sea. Everyone thinks that the Pope's Island is the only Island in the world, reared above the water, breaking the Surface and is to be found at the edge of the world.
It is also said that Christ was a human. The creatures in the sea believe that the form which humans took was round. Therefore, the Clan's precious statue of the Virgin Mary is a crude round sphere of sand welded together by Roller-spittle.
Luke had been a good Catholic all his life. However, there is nearing his end, and then, he suddenly finds his asking - what proof do we have that all this is true? How do we know if the Load - if humans, even - ever really existed? Then, he decides to go on the pilgrimage to the Pope's Island for resolving his doubts.
The best youngsters Michael and Margaret in his Clan, and the priest John (He is a Boater which is a different kind of creature from Walker, but they live close together) accompany Luke's pilgrimage. Although Luke is barely able to walk, he carries the statue of the Virgin Mary.
On the way to the Pope's Island, they are attacked by an Eater which is one of creatures in the sea. Margaret protects Luke who cannot manages to escape form the Eater's attack because of protecting the statue of the Virgin Mary, and then, Margaret is eaten by the Eater.
Luke, Michael and the priest John continue on their way and find the Pope's Island. Then, suddenly the Surface erupted in a noisy explosion of light and tiny bubbles and little fishe around the Island makes a Walker’s figure.
(I changed this Walker into God. Then the God heals Luke's sickness, although Luke dies at the end of the original text.)
My fanfic
Now, the creature bends all its tentacles towards Luke in the Walkers' universal gesture of friendship.
'Hello,' it says. 'I'm not used to visitors.'
Luke thinks the voice of the Pope-Walker is thin and high, but its words are clear.
'Pope-Walker… We're pilgrims,' Luke says, feeling his head droop between his front spines.
'Pilgrims?' The Pope-Walker's ghostly tentacles wriggle in amusement. 'Pilgrims. Two tiny crab-things and a swimming dust-mote…'
The Pope-Walker studies Luke, and says softly,
'You're ill, pilgrim.'
'I know that,' Luke snaps. 'Pope-Walker, I have questions.'
The Pope-Walker's head rolls complacently around its axis of neck. 'Questions, eh?'
'You brought Catholicism to us, form out of the sky. Or is that another fable, like the Messiah Himself?' Luck snaps again, ignoring the gasps of protest from the priest John who cowers behind him.
'We haven't any proof of it. Why should we aspect your faith?'
'You're not as bitter as your sound, pilgrim. Oh, the Messiah is no fable.'
'Is it true? The story that the Saviour came among us, five billion years ago?'
The Pope-Walker's shimmering head shakes.
'What a question. Do you know what a "billion" is, pilgrim? Or even a "year"? A year's about twice your lifespan…'
Then, it says stately, 'little pilgrim, listen, I'm not Pope-Walker. I'm God. Did I bring Catholicism to you? Too ridiculous. From the beginning, I made human to resemble me, and gave power over all animals. I have never intended to bring my words to you'.
Luke feels his head droop further as he straggles to make sense of these strange words.
'Did the humans really exist?'
Michael stretches his neck forward. 'Was the humans' figure like you? You said you made the humans to resemble you. But your figure is similar to us…'
'The humans must have been round! Like this statue!' Luck snaps.
'Round, eh?'
'We generalized from clues in the Scriptures. The humans had all their surfaces wrapped up inside them. They must have been round…'
'It may be about the souls I tried to build up in their bodies.'
'Mm, the generalization is not bad. Of course this figure just imitates yours for the time being. This isn't my real body, though my body and human's are not round. But, the bodies aren’t so important... By the way, it looks like just a pebble. Statue, eh?'
'This is our Clan's precious statue the Virgin Mary.'
'Humph, what did your Saviour bring to you? I'm supposed I commanded that you worship no God but me, do not bow down to any idol or worship it, eh?' The God-Walker says sourly.
'Humph… I loved human, though they were sinful, I brought them various warnings and salvation. But, they never penitent their sinfulness... So, I destroyed them like Sodom. Do you know the story?' The God-Walker glances at Michael.
Michael only nods. The God-Walker's voice becomes sadly. Luke rests his head against the gritty sand.
'I saved some who had righteous mind like Lot, you also know the story, eh?'
Michael nods.
The God-Walker adds halfheartedly, 'mm, perhaps one of them brought you the part of my words, but I have never checked what has happened in the world since then,'
'Pope-Walker! Our Clan-folk have followed the teaching of the Scriptures for generations. What was their faith for you at all?' Luke feels his tentacles grow stiff with exasperation.
The God-Walker's tentacles, however, wriggle in amusement.
'Sorry, yea, I had never thought there are the existence my believers like you, haha, yea, sorry, sorry, though I'm not pleased you say Pope, Pope for any reason at all…'
The God-Walker's shimmering head hovers before Luke.
'Now I'm checking what had happened since I stopped to care about the world…'
The God-Walker's head fills Luck's vision, soft and comforting.
'When I was built the Sun was hot and yellow. Now it has grown huge, red, cooling. Oh, yes, things changed slowly. A shallow sea, covering the Sun-facing hemisphere, humans had gone. And you lot, who had evidently inherited the Earth….'
'Humph, what a persistent pilgrim, I'm not Pope, I'm God. I'm superior. Far more superior to Pope, or any human, I dare say… Even Jesus,' The God-Walker makes a sour voice.
'By the way, Luke…' The God-Walker whispers to him.
'How do you know my name?' Luke tries to lift up his head.
The God-Walker ignores his question, and says, 'listen to me. Your bodies are far different from my body and human's, but the important thing is soul, not body. Your souls are just like human, mm, not so bad. How about I give you power over all animals instead of humans? Yea, after destroying them, I have been alone at length. Lately, I have felt lonely a little...'
Luke feels his tentacles grow stiff again.
'For generations, our Clan had followed your words… Though you say you'll give us power over all animals, I can't get to rid of my doubt what their faith for you was, and my faith…'
The God-Walker’s tentacles wriggle in amusement again.
'Oh, it's no problem. During my carelessness about the world I hadn't judged anyone anything. They have been just hanging without their recognition of time and space. I can catch up from now on.'
Luke feels his head droop further again as he straggles to make sense of these strange words.
'Can't you believe my words? Humph, what a sinful tiny crab-thing. I said earlier, I'm Almighty God. For example, I can easily heel your sickness, too.'
The God-Walker's head fills Luke's vision again.
'Here you go. How is your feeling now, eh?'
'My sense of all tentacles and spines started coming back…'
'Humph, no sweat for me as I bring eternal salvation to your Margaret and your ancestor,' the God-Walker wriggles its tentacles in a burst of amusement. 'Can you believe I'll properly recompense for their faith?'
'Why do you know about Margaret?' Luke has a moment of confusion, but he rethinks, 'yea, you are Almighty God…'
'Humph, you had understood my words at last, hadn't you?' The God-Walker says with evident satisfaction.
'Yes… But, if Walker has power over all animals, how will be the positions of our clouds of symbiotes in the world…? Like the priest father John…' Luke mumbles.
'What lots of requests you have!' The God-Walker sighs, and says softly, 'well, I'll consider it in detail from now on.'
'I'll go down to your Clan and give my commands soon. Firstly, you should be eased your companions who look to fear for you.'
It appears that Luke had removed without notice. The priest John is calling his name with concern and Michael is frantically mouthing his tentacles and limbs, though they are far from him now.
'See you again soon,' the God-Walker resolves into s school of creatures like tiny fish.
Luke feels his faith settle over him once more. Now Luke doesn't doubt that the God-Walker's salvation will not only bring to Margaret and his ancestor but also to his clouds of symbiotes. Luke decides to leave the Clan's precious stature of the Virgin Mary here. He thinks that Michael and the priest John will never disagree with it. Luke starts to walk to Michael and the priest John.
Posted by Kimiko at 11:43 PM 8 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Fan Fiction
There once lived a couple named Lu-tane and Lu-fafine (Lu-tane, the man and Lu-fafine, the woman). They lived for many years with their two beautiful daughters named Aloaloalela and Sautia. They lived for many years and they had as their matai or guardian, the sun. One day, the sun demanded Lu-tane and Lu-fafine to let their daughter Aloaloalela to marry him. The couple agreed even though they loved her, as they were scared of their matai. “Our dear daughter, Aloaloalela, the sun wants to marry you and take you as his wife.” said the parents. “He also informs us to let you know that he needs you tomorrow morning.”
The girl began to cry because she refused to marry him. However, she was frightened of the sun; she left early in the morning the next day to live with him. Days had gone and the old couple died. The other daughter, Sautia, moved over to stay with her sister and husband.
Sometimes later on, Aloaloalela became pregnant, and when she notified her sister about it, they planned to escape from the sun. So, they ran away, jumped into the sea, and continued swimming for a long time. “Alas, my leg has been bitten off by a shark.” cried out the other sister, Sautia.
Aloaloalela kept encouraging her sister to swim on and be strong; they would soon find a shallow

So, they kept swimming and later on, Aloaloalela yelled out, “Alas, I am about to give birth to a child”
“But there is nowhere when such an event can properly take place” responded Sautia. However, Aloaloalela then gave birth to nothing but just a clotted blood, which they ignored and continued to swim on.
Tagaloalagi, a god who lived in heaven as the Samoans believed, spotted this clotted blood from above and sent down his two servants to get it. They did as they were ordered and they brought it up to Tagaloalagi. He then took care of this lifeless mass and eventually transformed into a human being who later became a very handsome boy. Additionally, Tagaloalagi treated this boy as his own son.
The god, Tagaloalagi, witnessed from above the two sisters tiredly swimming for their lives in the wild roaring waves of the ocean.
He felt for these women that he used his godly power and rescued them by creating a small piece of land in the vast open sea. Aloaloalela and her sister Sautia who escaped from the sun continued to swim on and ultimately came across a shallow place in the ocean, where they were able to stop and rest for the first time since their swimming journey. As a matter of fact, it was only a small block of land suffice for the two women to set foot on, but it eventually grew slowly and slowly, larger and larger until it became a huge island.
It is the Samoan belief that this piece of land was the first land in the world, which is known as Manu’a, and later became the island of the two ladies, Aloaloalela and Sautia, who first occupied it.
Remember the boy who was saved, raised and cared for by Tagaloalagi; he was still under his care and his supervision, and he was then grew to manhood. Tagaloalagi had lived in the lagi tuaiva (ninth heaven) with his aiga (family) and there were lots of children in the family. However, this young man grew up as a strong boy, stronger than those kids and he could hit them anytime he wanted to.
Tagaloalagi’s sister was strongly disagreed with this kind of attitude, as it was unacceptable and objectable in the ninth heaven. One day, her children were beaten up again by the boy, they began to cry so loud that Tagaloalagi’s sister heard them and came to see what the problem was. She saw him kept thrashing her kids, which made her so enraged and furious.
The woman then jumped at the boy and began thrashing him exclaiming that, he was not a real son of Tagaloalagi and that he was cruel. Because of his disagreement and his unbelievable feeling of what the woman said, he started to cry and went to see Tagaloalagi.
“What’s the matter my son?” asked Tagaloalagi, “Why are you weeping?”
“Your sister told me I am not your true son. Would you mind telling me the truth?” the boy asked enthusiastically.
Tagaloalagi then admitted that he was not his real father and asked him

“Your mother married the Sun.” Tagaloalagi started informing him. “She later became pregnant and ran away with her sister. Aloaloalela, who is your mother, gave birth to you whilst swimming in the ocean. Therefore, I sent my servants to bring you up here because she left you floating behind. Now, I saved your life and took care of you for a long time. Nevertheless, I promise you I will release you to see your mother and her sister, but remember I want you to come back again.”
“Oh! thank you father. That’s great news for me. So, where are they?” asked the boy.
Tagaloalagi told him to look down the ocean and he would see them.
“Alas! My poor mother and sister.” cried out the boy. “They are being buried by the sun and drenched by the rain. Father, can you take me down to them?”
Tagaloalagi commanded his servants to take the boy to his mother.
They did so, and the women were startled to see him.
“Where do you two come from?” the boy asked.
“We ran away from the sun, who was our matai (guardian).” answered the women.
“Who is Aloaloalela?” he asked again.
“I am.” one woman replied while raising her hand. “This is my sister, Sautia.”
“Well, I have found out that you, Aloaloalela, has married the sun, and then you became pregnant and ran away from him. If I am right, where is your baby?” again asked the boy.
I had given birth to my baby whilst swimming and left him floating on the surface of this huge ocean, as I couldn’t do anything about it.
The two women then discovered some tears in the boy’s eyes which let them to confusion and hesitation.
A minute later, he started explaining his story.
“Mother, I am your baby. I am your son. I was found floating on the surface of the sea by the god of our universe, Tagaloalagi. He sent his servants to pick me up and carried me over to his kingdom (the ninth heaven). I was brought to life by him a

The boy could easily observe the shivering and the shaking of his mother’s body. However, he encouraged her not to worry about what happened because he had understood all the circumstances and the difficulties of what happened to her and her sister.
Afterwards, the mother hugged her son and asked for forgiveness. Nevertheless, the boy explained them that he would not stay with them, as he would return to the god, Tagaloalagi.
When the boy returned, he urged his father, Tagaloalagi to make the island of his mother and sister more beautiful, as there was only earth, but no shelter for them from the heat of the sun, Aloaloalela’s husband. Tagaloalagi then promised his son that he would do everything to protect his mother and sister from that cruel sun.
It was only Tagaloalagi’s words “Let there be trees of every kind, let there be animals and birds, and everything was there, making the women’s island so called Manu’a very beautiful and attractive.
The Samoan believed that this was the first piece of land in the whole world and it was called earth.
Posted by poeelama at 6:28 PM 4 comments
Digital Essay

The Blue Lotus, which was first published in 1936, is one of the adventures of Tintin. It is a series of classic comic – strip album written and illustrated by Herge, featuring one reporter Tintin as

In this essay, the Blue Lotus will be analysed according to Vogler’s mythic structure as mentioned. For instance, act 1 includes ordinary world, call to adventure, refusal of the call, meeting with the mentor, as well as crossing the first threshold. Act 2 contains ( tests, allies, enemies), approach to inmost cave, supreme ordeal and reward. In act 3, it consists of the road back, resurrection, and return with the elixir.
Act 1:
Ordinary world:
As a guest of the Maharaja of Gaipajama in India, Tintin enjoys a well-earned rest in the magnificent palace. He is seen indulging in his latest hobby, which is playing with a short-wave radio receiver to Snowy’s intense irritation. Additionally, Ramacharma, one of the famous fakir, demonstrates his remarkable power by showing Tintin some magic, as well as, telling him what he (the fakir) sees will happen in the future. For instance, as Herge (2002) reveals that, the fakir informs Tintin about an enemy he (Tintin) thinks is dead, but he is not, he is planning revenge. He (the fakir) further explains to Tintin another fakir, who is a disgrace to their brotherhood dedicated to their downfall, and that man has a terrible weapon and has spied upon Tintin. The fakir also tells Tintin to be aware of another man with black hair and a yellow skin, who always wears glasses because that man has sworn to destroy him.
Call to adventure:
Tintin is notified about a strange man in the gallery who wants to talk to him. Even though he is confronted by the Rajaijah juice, the poison of the madness which hits a visitor from Shanghai, he still has time to negotiate with the stranger. Tintin is told that he is needed in Shanghai for a special mission, that is, searching for the operator of an opium-smuggling ring.
Refusal of a Call:
In fact, Tintin does not refuse the call. So, he packs up everything he needs for the trip. While packing up, he remembers what the fakir has told him. (I see an enemy, you think him dead, but he plans revenge). At that same time, Snowy (the dog), his best friend, disappears and worries Tintin because he never leaves without him. Later on, he finds him locked in his trunk.
Meeting with the mentor:

Tintin meets with Wang Chen-yee, the leader of an organisation called Sons of the Dragon, also the father of the poor soul who confronted Tintin to death. As a mentor, Wang is surely an adviser, and a reliable helper, as well as, a saviour to Tintin’s life throughout his adventure in the Blue Lotus. He relies mostly on Tintin for the battle against opium, the terrible drug causing such havoc in the country.
Crossing the first threshold:
As a fact, Tintin is eagerly awaited by the assassins of the opium consortium. He reaches Shanghai and travels by a rickshaw which runs into Gibbons, a friend of Dawson, the corrupt police chief of the Shanghai International Settlement. Gibbons beats the rickshaw driver for daring to “barge” into a white man. Tintin intervenes, calling the man’s conduct “disgraceful” and Gibbons vows revenge (Herge, 2005).
After shouting at Tintin for interfering, this Westerner storms into a nearby “Occidental Private Club” where he meets some friends, and tells them the story. As he talks, he gets angrier and more indignant at Tintin’s impertinence and betrayal of his own “race”. He keeps on talking and criticises Tintin, when he gestures wildly, and knocks the tray out of a passing Chinese waiter’s hand, and of course, in his own eyes, a person like him can do no wrong, so the accident is blamed entirely on the innocent Chinese waiter.
While Tintin is in Shanghai, he meets Mitsuhirato, a Japanese business man, who urges him to return to India and protect the Maharaja of Gaipajama. Mitsuhirato explains to Tintin that he has sent a Chinese messenger to tell him (Tintin) to guard the Maharaja, but Tintin states that the man he sent is struck by a poison dart and only manages to say two words, “Mitsuhirato” and “Shanghai”. The business man is really mad and frustrated; he urges Tintin to be in a hurry returning to India, although Tintin is eager to know what’s happening in the Maharaja. The last advice for Tintin given by Mitsuhirato is that, Tintin should be aware of everyone, especially the Chinese because his life is hung by a thread. When Tintin asks him how he knows that, Mitsuhirato responds that “a true Japanese knows everything.”
Act 2:
Tests, allies, enemies:
Tintin is first tested for his strength and power in a sudden tackle from the back, by someone who he does not even know, whilst waiting to return to the Maharaja. While having a cup of tea and thinking of what has happened, someone shoots him and misses; he shoots back and chases the man, which leads him to be arrested by police. The police chief, Dawson, after talking with his friend Gibbons, sends three anonymous but imposingly burly Sikhs to the cell, to give Tintin “a spot of corrective treatment,” and ending up being taken themselves by ambulance from St James Prison to one of the English hospitals.
Tintin has been saved here. However, he has got a telegram, a letter and a parcel from someone, which orders him to meet at ten oclock at Tai Ping Lu Street, and he has to wear the clothes in the parcel. When he goes to this place, he is confronted by a poor disturbed man who almost kills him, but Tintin can manage to hand him to a police officer. Furthermore, Tintin is surprised in his sailing to Bombay the last night, but wakes up in the next morning in a different place. However, Tintin finds out that Wang Chen-yee, the leader of the Sons of the Dragon, a secret society dedicated to the fight against opium, has just helped him escape from that Japanese villain, Mitsuhirato.
That morning, Wang firstly apologises to Tintin for such a violent kidnapping, as he should remained in China, not be recalled to India. Wang further describes Mitsuhirato’s clever tricks and his occupation as a Japanese secret agent and drug smuggler. Wang also apologises for his son who goes about threatening to cut people’s heads off with a sword. He also notifies Tintin that his son has been attacked by their enemies and lost his mind. Moreover, the headquarters of the Sons of the Dragon, which is a secret society dedicated to fighting against opium, is introduced to Tintin. Tintin has a great surprise when Wang mentioned Mitsuhirato as th

When Tintin gets to The Blue Lotus den, he finds Mitsuhirato making a deal with someone about something that Tintin has tried to guess. And when they leave for their mission, Tintin follows them and he sees Mitsuhirato and his men blowing up a railway line. No one was killed and damage is minor, but it is blown up into a major Chinese terrorist incident and used as a pretext for a Japanese invasion of Manchurian, the South railway. Reports spread all over the world about the result of their brawl. For instance, the fake report of the Chinese bandits blowing up the railway, the stopping of the train and attacking of the innocent passengers, one report tells of many killed trying to defend themselves, some Japanese who have died after the attack, as well as, the Tokyo Express newspaper special misleading report of the Chinese bandits attacking passengers of the train. These different reports make Japan thrilled and delighted, resulting in their glorious praising and singing that “Japan must never forget her duty as the guardian of law and civilisation in the Far East, and glory to their brave soldiers who have now gone to defend this noble cause” (Herge, 2005, p.22).
Approach to inmost cave:
As Tintin i

The next interesting scene is when Tintin attempts to go back to Shangai and search f

Supreme ordeal:
When Tintin searches for Professor Fang, he is arrested again, he has become a prisoner of the Japanese and they have condemned him to death this time, as he is found guilty of espionage, attempted murder of a Japanese, assaulting a senior officer, as well as, illegally wearing a uniform and medals.
According to Mitsuhirato, Tintin can be set free under two conditions. First he has to join their counter – espionage service and secondly, he has to tell them where he has hidden the poison he steals. Although Tintin is offered a big amount of money, he turns it down. Furthermore, he has managed to escape from prison by a tunnel dug by Mr Wang, from his new-rented house to the cell where he is locked.
Possession of reward:
In fact, Professor Fang has been kidnapped, and Tintin is ready to go to Hukow, on the Yangtze Kiang, which is where the ransom for the professor is to be paid to the kidnappers, so, Tintin rides a train to Hukow, but a flood washes the tracks; all the passengers must leave the train and walk three hours more. He has heard someone calling for help from the river when he disembarks from the train and he rescues him from drowning. This young boy is a Chinese by the name of Chang Chong-Chan. Chang exclaims in disbelief, “I thought all white devils were wicked, like those who kill my grandfather and grandmother long ago” (Herge, 2005, p. 43). Nevertheless, Tintin replies, “but Chang, all white men are not wicked, you see, different people don’t know enough about each other. Lots of Europeans still believe that all Chinese are cunning and cruel and wear pig tails, are always inventing tortures, eating rotten eggs and swallows’ nests” (Herge, 2005, p. 43). Tintin further describes that those same stupid Europeans are quite convinced that all Chinese have tiny feet developing normally. In addition, they are even convinced that Chinese rivers are full of unwanted babies, thrown in when they are born. “So you see Chang, that is what lots of people believe about China” (Herge, 2005, p. 43).
Chang smiles and responds that they must be crazy people in Tintin’s country. As a fact, these two quickly become friends.
The road back:

Tintin and Chang have gone to find Professor Fang. Nevertheless, they are confronted by a photographer, a Japanese who works for Mitsuhirato. The photographer reveals everything about Mitsuhirato and has told them that the professor is kidnapped by Mitsuhirato.
Act 3:
In order to find these drug smugglers, Tintin hides in one of the barrels on an opium ship, but it turns out that he is seen and when he emerges, he is confronted by Mitsuhirato who is armed with a gun. Then the leader of the opium cartel is known to be Rastapopoulos. Tintin is incredulous that this man he thinks is a friend can be the gang leader, until Rastapopoulos reveals the tattoo of Kih-Osk on his forearm. In addition, Wang’s family has been kidnapped by Mitsuhirato. However, the son of the Dragon has previously overpowered Mitsuhirato’s thugs, shot the gun out of a crook’s hand, has guns pointed at all other crooks who have to surrender.
Return with the elixir:

Wang’s family is being saved, as well as Professor Fang His-ying. Wang’s son is also cured. Wang congratulates Tintin for his courage and mobility; he has offered to take Chang, Tintin’s best friend as his son, which leads Chang into tears because Tintin is going but the sun shines, as he has a new father and mother Wang also wishes Tintin good luck when he returns to his country in the West, as the mission has been solved.
Reference list
Herge, (2002, 1395). The adventures of Tintin: The blue lotus. London: Egmont.
Vogler, (1998). The writer’s journey: Mythic structure for writers. (2nd ed.).
California: Michael Wiese Productions. .
Posted by poeelama at 4:41 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
The novel A Wizard of Earthsea was written by Ursula K Le Guin in 1968. It was written before the fantasy genre began in the 70s. The story is about a boy’s journey through magic and life, while trying to get rid of the evil shadow that wants to defeat him. Vogler, (1998; 1992) states that all great filmic narratives share a similar deep structure. He further explains that any stories of any kind might be divided into three acts: for instance, act 1- the ordinary world, call to adventure, refusal of the call, enter the mentor, as well as, crossing the first threshold. Act 2 - tests-allies and enemies, approach to the inmost cave, the supreme ordeal, and seizing the sword. Act 3 – the road back, resurrection and return with the elixir. In this essay, I will analyze the novel “A Wizard of Earthsea” according to Vogler’s theory.
Act 1:
Ordinary world. Duny (Ged, Sparrowhawk) was the hero of the novel was born in a lonely village called Ten Alders in the Island of Gont. His mother named him Duny. He grew up poorly and he had a poor child life in Gont. His mother died before he was a year old. His father was a bronze-smith. Duny had six brothers and he was the youngest of them all. He grew up wild, a “thriving weed, a tall, quick boy, loud and proud, and full of temper” (Le Guin, p.2). He spent his time always roaming deep in the forest, swimming in the pools of the river or climbing cliff and scrap to the heights above the forest, from which he could see the sea. Ged had not close relationship with his father and his brothers, in other words they have no use for him. Ged has the ability to develop extraordinary magic power. Meanwhile, he was in many ways like other children in the village (www.bookrage). His auntie was the only person in the village who liked him, and sometimes did anything he needed. In fact, she was the first person who recognized Ged’s magic ability.
Call to adventure. The first adventure was when he defeated his villager of fog. Ged had used his magical ability to battle with thick fog and he used a variety of spells to win. His instinctive skills were put to a test when hordes of vicious Kargs invaded his village. His quick thinking allowed him to tap into his limited repertoire, and come up with a spell to enshroud the homeland and its people in fog, as they were invisible to the enemy and almost everyone was saved.
Enter the mentor. Ged in his life during the story had a few mentors. The first of them was his aunt. She was also sorcerer and she learnt some of her knowledge and a variety of tricks to Ged. For example, control on animals and talking to them.
The second mentor was master Ogion. The master played important role in Ged’s life. Ogion thought if he wanted to be a great wizard he must learn to be silent and hear more and about the need to preserve the balance and avoid unnecessary magic because every spell produce endless ripples of unknown consequence.
Another mentor in the story was Archmage . Ged begins to study the ancient runes of hardic, which has its roots in the old speech. Ged then learnt that every action had a reaction and he must keep everything in balance.
Additionally, about nine masters of Roke taught Ged different lessons of wizards whom they were also his mentors.
Crossing the first threshold.The first time in the story which Ged accepted to use his magic power was when he defeat his homeland against Kargs.
Tests, allies, and enemies. When Ged was young, he was full of pride and was inexperienced in the ways of the wizard till the evil shadow appealed and wanted to consume him. This incident scared Ged and he decided to improve his ability of magic powers to defeat the shadow. Therefore, when he learnt some tricks from his aunt, he felt that they were not enough to win and exterminated the evil shadow. That lesson to him was for fun, as well as, to show off.
Ged became famous in his area. Ged’s name became famous and well known in Re Albi. The great mage of Re Albi , Ogion, heard about him. When Duny celebrated his thirteenth birthday, Ogion attended to his ceremony and he had given him the name Ged. After that, all people called him Ged. He traveled with Ogion to Re Albi to learn how to read and write the six hundred Ruunes of Hardic. He learnt a lot from Ogion. Ged could develop his power which allowed him to call animals (www.sfx).
The young Ged did a huge mistake of using a forbidden magic which he had not enough experience. It was when Serret, a beautiful girl who met Ged for the first time in the field, and she annoyed him which made him felt dumb. He then tried to use power, which he could not handle, therefore, he felt ashamed of himself. Hence, Ogion recognized that he better sent Ged to the school for wizards in Roke Island because of his talent to develop his magic powerful as a young boy. Ged one more time met Serret in the Terrenon as Lady of the Benderesle ( ibid). Serret again could deceive him like first time and Ged had to use a magic to save himself and her life and they flew from Benderesle’s anger, the lord of the terrenon.
Another person that who could Ged was Yevaud. It was when Yevaud temped him he told Ged that he knew the shadow real name, this showed that Ged thought fast and was strong in spirit. Most importantly, Ged learned the lore of true names, the secret identities of all people and things. A mage had power over whatever he could name. In the school one day, a boy named Jasper humiliated Ged, and he said that Ged had no power, so he is powerless. Ged became angry, because he thought that he was better than Jasper in magic, and stronger wizard than him. He immediately thinks to use a spell to bring up an old sprit. Unfortunately, the shadow came up and killed his teacher. Ged hated Jasper and they had always argued with each other(Le Guin,1991).
Another sign of their repugnance appeared in the school’s dance Party. Both Ged and Jasper again have tried to prove each other that they are in different class of wizardry. Jasper was an enemy for Ged in the story. The shadow also was the powerful enemy for Ged that always followed him and scared him a lot and Ged struggled to keep himself safe from the shadow and it continued during the whole book. The shadow take on many shapes of people whom Ged does not like.The shadow may take several forms or wear different masks (Vogler, 1998-1992).Some times the shadow appeared like his father, which was about his need to be loved and cared for, Grd does not give into the shadow evilness. Because it was in the inner of Ged. The hero of the story wanted to learn many valuable lessons for defeating the shadow. He liked to learn so he could undo the evil shadow. But he made a lot of misteckes. For instance, one of that nine mentors named Lord Gensher said to him that “ you have great power inborn in you, and you used that power wrongly, to work a spell over which you had no control, not knowing how that spell affects the balance of light and dark, life and death, good and evil. And you were moved to do this by pride and by hate” (Le Guin, 1991 p. 72). Moreover, you should remember and keep in mind that sorcery is not a game.
Act- 3:
The road back: When Ged returned from terrenon to Ogion “he had a great wish in him to stay on Gont, and foregoing all wizardry and venture, forgetting all power and horror, to live in peace like any man on the known, dear ground of his home land” (Le Guin, 1991 P. 141). That was his wish; but his will was other. But his mission to defeat the shadow had not finished yet. He made a decision to go (chapter 8, hunting) and find out the shadow and killed him. Ged could find the shadow and he chased him. But in fact after a few minutes it seemed that they followed each other over the ocean for a long time. Suddenly, he remembered the Ogion’s advise that he said to him you have to chase after the shadow instead of the shadow chasing after you (bookrage). He did and at the end Ged could overcome the shadow. After that he came back to ordinary life and Ged had learnt how to control his emotion and knew the right way to go.
Resurrection and return with the elixir. Finally, Ged could conquer the shadow, and he has realized that the real name the shadow was his own Ged. He learnt a lot in his life during his journey and he had acquired great knowledge through his physical and emotional journey.
Le Guin,U,K.(1991). A Wizard of Earthsea. New York: Maillan Publishing Company.
Mountfort. P. (2008).Filmic narrative. Part 2: Characterization and archetype. AUT.
Vogler, CH. (1998-1992).The Writer’s Journey 2nd Edition: Mythic structure for writers.London: Penguin.
Posted by bahram at 1:33 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Digital essay (draft)
I'll send my final version via E-mail.
According to Vogler (1998; 1992), all filmic narratives share a similar deep structure. Additionally, he formulated the list of seven 'archetypes' supposedly fundamental to storytelling. This essay analyzes to what extent dose Herge's 'The adventure of TINTIN: The blue lotus' (2005,1935) replicate Vogler's (1998; 1992) plot points.
Vogler's (1998; 1992) timing the three-act structure is the following;
In Vogler's (1998; 1992) 'mythic structure', the dramatic function of ActⅠis 'set-up'. In this part, there is establishment of setting, characters and basic action of the story, and then, the rising of central question of the story. It also include in the introduction of Catalysis and the First Turning Point. The introduction of Catalysis means an event or action which precipitates the First Turning Point. The First Turning Point marks the transition between ActⅠand Ⅱand turns the action around in a new direction. According to Vogler (1998; 1992), ActⅠis usually unfolded the following five parts: Heroes are introduced in the ordinary world: They receive the call to adventure: They are reluctant at first or refuse the call, but: are encouraged by mentor to: cross the first threshold.
In ActⅠof Herge's work, first, TINTIN is introduced in the ordinary world. He is staying India with Snowy as guests of the Maharaja of Gaipama, and is enjoying a well-earned rest. Second, he receives the call to adventure from the stranger who says TINTIN is needed in Shanghai. TINTIN goes to Shanghai. The setting of Shanghai and other main characters are introduced after TINTIN's arrival at Shanghai. Although TINTIN is not reluctant the call, he is deceived by Mitsuhirato and decides to go back to India at once. However, TINTIN meets Wang Chen-yee as his mentor. Then, Wang Chen-yee explains the central question of the story, encourages TINTIN to help a secret society he belongs to, and then, TINTIN decides to go to 'Blue lotus' and crosses the first threshold. This part is approximately 30% of the entire action of Herge's work and is higher than Vogler's (1998; 1992) model. It seems that the main reason is that this story is series and Herge needs to show the relation to the previous episode.
In Vogler's (1998; 1992) 'mythic structure', the dramatic function of ActⅡis 'development'. In it, the main character encounters numerous obstacles while trying to achieve a goal. Then the Second Turning Point is presented that the action turns around again in a new direction. ActⅡis usually unfolded the following three parts: Heroes encounter tests, allies and endmies: They approach the innermost cave, crossing a second threshold: Where they endure the supreme ordeal.

In Vogler's 'mythic structure', the dramatic function of ActⅢ is 'denouement'. It includes in the climax and the resolution of the story. The climax means the big finish and the moments when the central question is answered. The resolution presents the order of world is restored. Then ActⅢ is usually unfolded the following four parts: Heroes take possession of their reward and: Are pursued on the road back to the ordinary world: They cross the third threshold, experience a resurrection, and are transformed by the experience: They return with the elixir to benefit the ordinary world.
In the ActⅢ of Herge's work, TINTIN cannot take possession of his reward (Professor Fang His-ying). However, he gains the friendship with Chang and Chang goes to Shanghai with TINTIN. It seems to compensate the reword. In the case of this story, the meaning of 'the road back to the ordinary world' is 'the solving the crime'. Then, in the climax, TINTIN and Chang confront Mithurirato and solve the problem. They cross the third threshold, experience the resurrection. However, in Herge's work, TINTIN is not transformed by the experience. Moreover, TINTIN returns without his elixir to benefit his Ordinary world, but the elixir gives to Chang in this story. This part is approximately 20% of the entire action of Herge's work, and is smaller than Vogler's theory. The reason seems that this story is series and it is important that he keeps TINTIN's unchangeable character. So, Herge does not need to show the transformation of TINTIN by the experience.
Next, The seven archetypes Vogler (1998; 1992) formulated are the hero, the mentor, the threshold, the herald, the shapeshifter, the shadow and the trickster. The followings are Vogler's (1998; 1992) suggestion of each character the hero that seems to apply to Herge's work and the replication of Herge's work.

The trickster is arguably a subset of shapeshifter; include clowns and other kinds if comic side-kicks (Vogler 1998; 1992). The tricksters in Herge's work are Thomson and Thompson. They may supplement the absence of Didi at Hukow. Then their psychological functions include comic relief.
Although Chang dose not fit any 'archetypes' Vogler (1998; 1992) presented, the other main characters in Herge's work replicate the 'archetypes'.
In conclusion, about structure, there are tow main deviations. The one is this is series. The other is the existence of Chang. About characher, the deviation is again the existence of Chang. However, it can be said that most of Herge's work replicate Vogler's (1998; 1992) plot points.
List of references
Herge. (2005, 1935). The adventure of TINTIN: The blue lotus. London: Methuen.
Mountfort, P. (2007). Filmic narrative: PartⅡ: Chracterrisation and archetype [Lecture]. Auckland: AUT university.
Mountfort, P. (2006). The grammar of POP genres: PartⅠ: Mythic structures [Lecture]. Auckland: AUT university.
Posted by Kimiko at 12:36 AM 0 comments